Inventory Management

Clean things up

Organize items by department, sub-department, category and vendor.

Add custom modifiers which optionally upgrade, downgrade or don’t affect cost to any item.

Track inventory counts and perform inventory audits.

Custom Accounting Integration, Barcode Printing and much more

Map items within Income accounts, COGS accounts, Asset accounts, Classification Name, Tax Group and PLU Code #, Quickbook Accounting Integration.

Add Item Descriptions, Track Item Costs, Set Floor Prices, Generate Bar Codes, Print Bar Code Labels.

Receive Inventory from Purchase Orders

Add Items, organize by vendor, track PO numbers and invoice date, maintain accurate unit costs as prices of items change and print labels.

Inventory Counts in a Flash

Quickly pull up both the number of items on hand and the value of your inventory. Track historical data, compare and contrast with variance reports.

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