Club Caddie -
Version is an enhancement release of Club Caddie that focuses on improving the overall user experience and functionality of the entire system.
New Features/Enhancements
- Activities
- 15-minute intervals in Activities rather than 30 minutes currently
- Activities booking is now responsive to mobile devices
- Booking and online booking windows were created for both rack and class rule rates for activities
- Online activity bookings send a confirmation email to the customer who made the booking
- Events
- Event Revenue converts from liability to A/R after the date of the event if not paid in full.
- Tying Customers to Golf Leagues
- Membership
- After a customer signs up for the app, they get an automated email telling them their username and e-mail that is on file.
- Setting to control the Default Setting for the Charge Account to be ON.
- Settings
- Setting created in tee sheet settings, where if the setting is toggled on, automatic email confirmations would be sent
- Setting for mandatory selection of a chart of account if the course utilizes QuickBooks integration
- In Register Settings when a new sub-department is made, need to include a Chart of Accounts selection box at the time of creation.